Friday 29 March 2013

Natural Skin Care - Secret to a fresh skin

Can be bought in pharmacies or over the skin

Secret to a fresh skin

Water is one of the basic conditions of life and the lack of our body feels surprisingly quickly and significantly.

In addition to known manifestations of dehydration of the body, among which include headache, fatigue, loss of concentration, is a distinctive and unmistakable indicator of the state of our skin. And that you, as the largest organ of the human body does deserve exceptional care what you think? Natural Skin Care

Our skin is constantly exposed to many negative environmental influences and dry loses up to 500 g water per day with healthy skin should stably contain up to 70% water.

Effect of hot summer days, intensive sunbathing, long swim in salt or chlorinated water, as well as increased physical and mental activity of the body most often reflected a sense of tension, irritated or dry, scaly skin.

Our skin then act tired dull and without brightness, loses strength and natural tension, which quickly translates to her in the form of fine facial wrinkles. In case of lack of water, regularly supplied from inside the body, they will not take even the best outdoor moisturizer.

Important tips

Regular replenishment suitable liquids, such due to its low mineral content includes natural spring water, is necessary for the proper functioning of our
Body maintaining the viability of organs but not least a healthy and fresh looking Skin Care